Dead Like You – Peter James

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It’s the sixth volume of the series starring Roy Grace . It’s good and up to the standard of the previous ones, but it seems that it has fallen into the current trend of basing everything on old cases.

Let me explain: in most of the books I’ve read lately, or so it seems to me, the cases are copies of others that remained unsolved long ago; the policeman in charge of the current case intervened in the old one or is aware of it, and a little light goes on that leads him to think that the criminal is the same or is trying to imitate his modus operandi.

Another variant is that the crime has its origin in something that happened in the childhood of the victim or the murderer. This, of course, leads to the authors constantly resorting to flashbacks, which I don’t like at all. All that aside, the book is pretty good and keeps the suspense going almost to the end.